Xanthelasma Surgery

Xanthelasma Surgery

Xanthelasma Surgery is performed to treat a medical condition where yellowish-white deposits of fat (cholesterol) are formed underneath the skin.

What Is Xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma is a medical condition where yellowish-white deposits of fat (cholesterol) are formed underneath the skin. In most patients, Xanthelasma is found around the eyes. This disease is generally found in persons over the age of 40. Women are more susceptible to Xanthelasma. 

Since the cholesterol is organic (or manufactured by the body itself) it does not harm or damage the eyes, however, it looks bad. In most cases, Xanthelasma tends to grow with time. The blood levels of cholesterols and other lipids in these patients can be high. Dietary modifications and exercise can reduce/ prevent recurrences. Xanthelasma is treatable. Pandit Clinic offers various options for treating xanthelasma and improving the appearancce of the same.

The treatment of small lesion can be done with the use of chemical, RF cautery. The bigger lesions need Laser surgery and skin grafting. We at Pandit Clinic have the best laser surgery equipment to make this procedure quick and painless for the patient. It is good to treat small lesions on time as the large lesions can cause vision problems for the patient. 

What Are The Causes Of Xanthelasma?

The following are some of the most common causes for xanthelasma around the eyes:

  • A history of high cholestrol in the family.
  • High bad cholestrol or low good cholestrol 
  •  Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, a liver disease is also the reason for high cholestrol level.

These are some of the reasons for high cholestril which might ultimately result in Xanthelasma. Treating Xanthelasma at the right time makes a huge difference as it also comes with a few lifestyle changes. Dr Jayshree Pandit makes sure that she understands the root cause of Xanthelasma before beginning the treatment. This is the reason she emphasizes greatly on consultation.

What To The Expect At The Consultation with Dr.Jayshree Pandit?

Dr Jayshree Pandit, Pandit Clinic’s lead opthalmologist gives utmost importance to consultation. When a patient walks in with the issue of Ptosis, Dr jayshree makes sure that she guides the patient through the entirety of the procedure that one needs to follow in order to correct the issue. She also takes into consideration their needs and requirements and explains the achievable results to them. Pandit Clinic believes in the principle of transperency. This ensures that the patient knows every facet of the treatment for him or her to make an informed decision.

Consultation is also an excellent time for the patients to make sure that he or she has a good rapport with the doctor. When you trust the doctor and share a good comfort level, the treatment also goes on quite smoothly. 

How Is Xanthelasma Treated?

At Pandit Clinic, Xanthelasma is treated with one of the following options:

  • Use of RF Cautery, a chemical
  • Skin Grafting
  • Laser Treatment.

The treatment of small lesion can be done with the use of chemical, RF cautery. The bigger lesions need Laser surgery and skin grafting. We at Pandit Clinic have the best laser surgery equipment to make this procedure quick and painless for the patient. It is good to treat small lesions on time as the large lesions can cause vision problems for the patient. 

Does Xanthelasma Heal On Its Own?

It is very rare that Xanthelasma goes away on its own. Generally, when one starts noticing these patches, they are in smaller sizes. They either stay the same size or keep on growing. May the size of the lesions be small or large, they can be treated only with the help of a proper treatment at the hands of an experienced Xanthelasma. 

Dr Jayshree Pandit, Pandit Clinic’s lead Opthalmologist has treated various patients with Xanthelasma.

When Should One Visit A Doctor For Xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma around the eyes needs to be treated on time. You can visit a doctor as soon as you start noticing yellow patches or deposits on the eye lids. The earleir they are treated, they are less likely to grow in size. Also, if the lesions on the lid grow in size, they can cause vision issues for the patient.

The presence of Xanthelasma itself is an indication of some other issues in the body like diabetes, high blood pressure, Obesity. even smoking can be the root cause of Xanthelasma. hence, in order to have a proper treatment course, it is advised to consult a doctor when you start noticing Xanthelasma patches. 

What Is Xanthelasma Removal Cost In India?

The cost of treating xanthelasma around the eyes in India depends upon various factors. These involve the extent of the condition, the treatment required, whether skin grafting or laser treatment for xanthelasma, etc. Other factors like the location of the clinic, the technology used, the experience of the doctor, etc also add in deciding the cost. Hence, there is no ballpark figure that can be given for xanthelasma cost. 

Xanthelasma Results

Xanthelasma Results

Meet Dr. Jayashree Pandit

Dr Jayashree Pandit - Ophthalmologist

Dr. Jayashree is the Consultant Eye Surgeon at Pandit Clinic. She is the pioneer of  aesthetic laser medicine in India. She has an experience of 30+ years in cataract surgeries, squint surgeries, blepharoplasties as well as in contact lenses. She has more than 15 years of experience with aesthetic & hair reduction lasers. 

Dr Jayashree Pandit - Ophthalmologist

Dr. Jayashree Pandit

MBBS MS (Ophthalmology)

Meet the Doctor

Eye Surgery Specialist

Dr. Jayashree is the Consultant Eye Surgeon at Pandit Clinic. She is the pioneer of  aesthetic laser medicine in India. She has an experience of 30+ years in cataract surgeries, squint surgeries, blepharoplasties as well as in contact lenses. She has more than 15 years of experience with aesthetic & hair reduction lasers. 

Professional Affiliations and Skills

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