Special Needs Children

Special Needs Children

At Pandit Clinic, we welcome children with special needs with open arms and treat their dental problems with gentleness and positivity.

Dentistry for Special Needs Children

Pandit Clinic is a medical practice that is kind and compassionate to all its patients, especially with special needs children. Our clinic does not make any distinction between special needs children and others. We welcome them with open arms and treat them with gentleness and positivity. 

We understand the hurdles parents face when raising children who are physically or mentally challenged. Our Pediatric Dentist Dr Pratibha Kukreja Pandit is calm, kind and understanding. Her sole focus when treating special needs children is to make the process as comfortable and as painless as possible. 

Dr Pratibha kukreja Pandit Pediatric and Special Needs Dentist
Dr Pratibha Kukreja Pandit - BDS, MDS (Pediatric Dentist)

Dr. Pratibha is trained at the prestigious Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, in advanced areas including Dental Rehabilitation of children with special health care needs and Nasoalveolar molding and dental rehabilitation of cleft lip and cleft palate.

Why Choose Us For Your Special Needs Child?


Consultant specialists in all fields of dentistry

The Team: Our team consists of dental professionals, physicians, maxillofacial surgeons and pediatric anaesthetist for a comprehensive in-house experience for all pediatric dental needs. We also have consultant specialists in all fields of dentistry for interdisciplinary management of our cases.


Courteous, polite, empathic and highly experienced

The Staff:The clinical and non-clinical staff at Pandit Clinic is associated with the clinic since its inception. They are courteous, polite, empathic and highly experienced in the field.


Located in the heart of the city, accessible by elevator and is also wheelchair accessible.

The Clinic: Pandit Clinic is located in the heart of the city. It is in the close vicinity of major hospitals like Joshi hospital, Ratna hospital, Poona hospital and KEM hospital. Levelled on two floors in sprawling 4000 square feet area, the clinic is accessible by elevator and is also wheelchair accessible. Ample amount of parking and parking assistance is available on request.


Very well equipped, follow strict protocols for sterilization and disinfection

The Operating Room: Our operating room is very well equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and monitors for procedures under general anaesthesia, inhalation and intravenous sedation. Strict protocols for sterilization and disinfection are followed at our operating room.


Patient rooms for recovery and comfort

Patient Rooms: The clinic houses two patient rooms for recovery, one private and one semi-private room. The rest rooms are specially designed for patient comfort.

State-of-the art equipments at our Pediatric Dentistry and Special Needs centre

Dr. Pratibha Kukreja Pandit - pediatric and special needs centre

Dr. Pratibha Kukreja Pandit – Preventive and Special Needs Pediatric Dentist

Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate

Pandit Clinic has been a centre for specialized cleft lip and cleft palate surgery ever since its inception 38 years ago. Dr Shrirang Pandit is a pioneer cleft surgeon in India and has about 7000 successful cleft surgeries to his credit. 

In 2017, Dr Vikram Pandit, Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon, completed his fellowship in Cleft and Craniofacial surgery from the world renowned Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan for super speciality cleft, and jaw corrective cleft orthognathic surgery. 

Dr Pratibha Kukreja Pandit, Pediatric and Preventive dentist, has a vast experience of treating dental problems in children with cleft deformity at Smile Train Centre at KLE Hospital in Belgaum. She has also completed her training at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Taiwan for Nasoalveolar molding and dental rehabilitation of children with clefts. Cleft care being a multidisciplinary speciality, Pandit clinic offers a team that is well trained, competent and experienced.

The challenges accompanying cleft defects:

An array of symptoms accompany the development of cleft lip and cleft palate. The most common functional difficulties that accompany cleft lip and cleft palate include:

1) Feeding difficulties:  It is one of the earliest challenges and often one of the most difficult to tackle owing to less knowledge.

2) Hearing difficulties and repeated ear infections: A common clinical observation among children with cleft palate is high prevalence of recurrent upper and lower respiratory tract infection.

3) Teeth and related dental issues: Missing teeth, misaligned teeth, malformed teeth, irregular spacing and crossbites are common issues.

4) Mental retardation: If the cleft is part of a cluster of other problems (a syndrome), learning ability is sometimes affected. It is estimated that more than 40% of children with cleft palate but without cleft lip have it as part of a syndrome. Van der Woude syndrome, Pierre Robin sequence, Stickler syndrome and Treacher Collins syndrome are some of the syndromes related with cleft lip and cleft palate. 

5) Speech: The gaps caused due the cleft lip and cleft palate lead to an inability to speak normally.

Early Dental Care

With proper and early care, children born with a cleft lip and/or cleft palate can have healthy teeth. This requires proper cleaning, good nutrition, and fluoride treatment. 

Appropriate cleaning with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush should begin as soon as teeth erupt. We, at Pandit Clinic, recommend that the first dental visit be scheduled at about one year of age or even earlier if there are special dental problems. The early evaluation is usually provided through the Cleft Palate Team at Pandit Clinic. The treatment recommended depends upon many factors. Some children require only preventative care while others will need fillings, while others may require other treatments like root canal treatments or removal of a tooth.

The dental treatment generally doesn’t interfere with the Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate operation procedure and can be carried out at any stage of the child’s dental development, as per the recommended sequence and age.

Early Dental Care For Children With Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate

Dr Pratibha Kukreja Pandit, (MDS – Preventative and Pediatric Dentist) the Expert Pediatric Dentist of Pandit Clinic, Pune takes the opportunity of the International Cleft Awareness Month (July) to address the concerns of Dental Care for Children with Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate.

Know more about all issues ranging from toothbrushing challenges to teaching good oral care habits to orthodontic treatments for children with cleft.

Restorative Care

A child with a cleft lip/cleft palate requires the same regular preventive and restorative care as the child without a cleft. However, since children with clefts may have special problems related to missing, malformed, or mal positioned teeth, they require early evaluation by a dentist who is familiar with the needs of the child with a cleft.

Communication with the Cleft Team

Orthodontic Care for Cleft Lip

The first orthodontic evaluation may be scheduled even before the child has any teeth. The purpose of this visit is to assess facial growth, particularly the growth of the jaws. Later as teeth begin to erupt, the Orthodontist, in communication with the cleft palate team will make plans for the child’s short and long-term dental needs. For example, if a child’s upper teeth do not fit together (occlude) properly with the lower teeth, the orthodontist at Pandit Clinic, Pune may suggest an early period of treatment to correct the relationship of the upper jaw to the lower jaw. It is not unusual for this initial period of treatment to be followed by a long rest period when the orthodontist monitors facial growth and dental development. With the eruption of the permanent teeth, the final phase of orthodontics completes alignment of the teeth.

Coordinated Dental-Surgical Care for Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate

Coordination of treatment between the surgeon and Pediatric dental specialist is important since several procedures may be completed during the same anaesthesia, if required. Restorations or dental extractions can be scheduled at the same time as other surgery. Coordination between the surgeon and the orthodontist becomes most important in the
management of the bony defect in the upper jaw that may result from the cleft. Reconstruction of the cleft defect may be accomplished with a bone graft performed by the surgeon. The orthodontist may place an appliance on the teeth of the upper jaw to prepare for the alveolar bone graft (Alveolar bone graft). A retainer is usually placed after the alveolar bone graft until full braces are applied. When the child approaches adolescence, the orthodontist and the surgeon again coordinate their efforts if the teeth do not meet properly because the jaws are in abnormal positions. If the tooth relations cannot be made normal by orthodontics alone, a combined approach of both orthodontics and surgical repositioning of the jaws is necessary. Such surgery is usually performed after the pubertal growth spurt is completed. 

Prosthodontic Care for Cleft Lip

Missing teeth in the cleft and craniofacial region pose a major factor for speech and aesthetics. Many a times, artificial teeth and dental appliances are required
to improve the appearance of individuals with cleft and to meet their functional requirements for eating and speaking. The Cleft palate team may make a dental crown or bridge to replace missing teeth. Oral appliances called Obturators (Both removable and fixed) may help close the nose from the mouth so that speech will sound more normal.

Care of the Permanent Dentition in Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate

The presence of the permanent dentition usually heralds the start of definitive orthodontic treatment and Routine follow up. During the teenage years the patient can lack motivation and find it difficult to visualize the end
result of the orthodontic treatment. Definitive restorative care, root canal treatment for permanent teeth due to extensive decay, Dental Implants for missing teeth, Cosmetic correction for malformed teeth, extraction of improperly aligned wisdom teeth and routine follow ups are most commonly advised.

Pandit Clinic is a leader in Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate cases. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that our patients end up leading lives which are normal and face minimum restrictions even when they endure problems like Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate.

Virtual Video Consultations


Start here, by making an appointment for a virtual consultation with our expert Dr. Pratibha Kukreja Pandit (NEW PATIENTS ONLY).

Dr. Pratibha Kukreja Pandit is available for Virtual Video Consultations from Monday – Saturday between the hours of 11 am – 2pm and 4pm – 7pm.

If you are already our valued patient with questions or have an emergency please contact the clinic on +91 9822053446

You can also book an in-clinic appointment

Consult Dr. Pratibha Kukreja Pandit
(Pediatric Dentist)


Virtual Video Consultation Fees Rs. 500

The Consultation Fees Must Be Paid Online by GOOGLE PAY BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT. See The Instructions On Appointment Confirmations

Your virtual video consultation includes:

Dr Pratibha kukreja Pandit Pediatric and Special Needs Dentist

Dr. Pratibha Kukreja Pandit


Meet the Doctor

Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry Specialist

Dr. Pratibha is the Chief Dentist at Pandit Clinic. She is also a Consultant Pediatric Dentist at Kotbagi Hospital and KEM Hospital, Pune.

Dr. Pratibha has trained at the prestigious Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, in advanced areas including Pediatric dental treatment under General Anesthesia and Intravenous sedation, Dental Rehabilitation of children with special health care needs, and Nasoalveolar molding and dental rehabilitation of cleft lip and cleft palate.

She’s the lifetime member of Student Clinician Association, American Dental Association (SCADA), USA.

Professional Affiliations and Skills

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