Liposuction and 4D VASER

Liposuction and 4D VASER

Remove the excessive unwanted fat with Liposuction. Get Ripped chest, well-defined abs and flanks that adds a great sex appeal to your physique with 4D VASER Body Scultping

Remove Unwanted Excessive Fat With Liposuction

Liposuction (also called as Lipoplasty /Suction Lipectomy /Liposculpture) is a surgical procedure performed to remove the excessive fat deposits underneath your skin using various techniques. It is a common misconception that Liposuction is a weight loss procedure. Liposuction primarily falls under the body contouring cosmetic procedure. The weight loss achieved is proportionate to the fat loss. It works best on specific areas where the undesirable fat deposits are concentrated. 

Everyone has problem areas on their body, which resist responding to exercise and diet. Some of the most common areas where Liposuction works best are:

Get A Well-Defined Sculpted Look With 4D VASER Liposuction

Sculpted physique is very hard to attain. Men and women alike desire the beautifully sculpted look. Ripped chest, well-defined abs and flanks add a great sex appeal to your physique. 

4D VASER liposuction is therefore an advanced form of body sculpting that removes fat and also works with the natural contours of the underlying muscle structure to give you an athletic and toned body.  It will not only help in achieving a well-defined body, but it will bring out the muscular details.

VASER liposuction uses sound waves to liquefy the fat cells. These cells are then removed by liposuction. Since it targets fat cells selectively, VASER Liposuction is less painful and more accurate than traditional liposuction.


Dr. Shrirang Pandit - Pioneer in VASER Liposuction

Dr. Shrirang Pandit is the FIRST doctor not only in Pune, but all of India to introduce VASER liposuction. He believes that Liposuction is a blend of art and science. Dr. Pandit has an extensive experience in liposuction and other cosmetic surgery procedures. He knows exactly what is needed to achieve desired results. In his clinic at Pune, Dr. Pandit has handled hundreds of liposuction patients, including celebrities.

About VASERlipoâ„¢ Machine

An alternative to the harsh techniques of liposuction, VASERlipo™ is unique in its ability to target fat while leaving other important tissues intact. It’s powerful enough to eliminate large areas of fat, but gentle enough to treat more delicate areas. During a VASERlipo™ procedure, the area to be treated is filled with a medicated solution. The fat cells are then treated with state-of-the-art ultrasound energy and are removed from the body through a gentle suction process. The surrounding tissues are left intact, giving you the smooth contours you want with less pain or recovery time than traditional liposuction.

Areas sculpted with VASERlipo™ 

VASERlipoâ„¢ can sculpt and shape multiple areas in a single procedure including:

What Is The Difference Between 4D VASER Liposuction And Normal Liposuction?

It is important to understand the difference between high definition 4D VASER Liposuction and normal liposuction. While normal liposuction essentially involves draining the body of excessive fat, 4D VASER Liposuction involves revealing the underlying beauty of the human form. The human body is neither convex nor uniformly curved. 4D high definition body sculpting involves viewing the body from all angles, so that it looks just correct. The human body contains organized irregularities, and a skilled 4D cosmetic surgeon chisels just the right amount of subcutaneous fat to reveal the real person inside. 4D VASER Liposuction is very safe and requires only mild sedation. The procedure involves minimal scarring and is gentle on the body.

Liposuction Results


4D VASER Liposuction Results

vaser 4d liposuction results

FAQs on Liposuction

Who is the ideal candidate for Liposuction?

Liposuction is not primarily a weight loss technique, therefore the ideal candidate for Liposuction cannot be an morbidly obese individual.  

Want to lose excess fat permanently?

Everyone has problem areas on their body, which resist responding to exercise and diet.

Answer a few simple questions to help us understand your problem areas. 

What are the techniques used in Liposuction?

Some commonly used techniques for Liposuction are Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction, Laser Assisted Liposuction, Suction Assisted Liposuction. Numerous new devices for liposuction have come into the market that include VASER made by Sound Surgical Technologies USA and Lysonix are common names. 

Questions to ask your Liposuction Surgeon:

Our Philosophy for Liposuction

We treat liposuction as a proper surgical procedure. We take all possible care to see to it that it is safe for the patient. Safety is our prime concern and we have some very good equipment for surgery and anaesthesia. We also have excellent monitoring machines which monitor your heart, breathing, pulse, blood pressure and an electrocardiogram continuously during and after the surgery. Our team of anaesthesiologists is very high class and they have experience of handling hundreds of similar cases. We leave no stone unturned in evaluation of our patients and we may suggest several blood and other tests to make sure you are in good health to have safe liposuction surgery. You may feel some tests to be superfluous but please understand our goal is not to have one single complication and provide you with safe anaesthesia and safe liposuction surgery.

We will set a reasonable target for volume of aspirate and will remove it in a safe manner. If at any time we feel that safety is being compromised we will modify our plan. If it is felt that a more comprehensive care is called for we may perform the procedure in a bigger hospital with more personnel and availability of critical care. It will be more expensive but will add to safety of surgery.

What are the outcomes of Liposuction?

The purpose of liposuction is not only hacking away fat from any and everywhere, but to create a nice looking harmonious shape. Weight reduction is not the goal for liposuction. At Pandit Clinic, we strive for a good shape and weight loss, if any is incidental. 

What is the Liposuction Procedure At Pandit Clinic?

The body fat at room temperature is fluid in nature. When negative pressure is created by application of vacuum the boiling point of fat is brought down and the fat vaporizes and is easily amnable to aspiration as mixture of fat vapor and fluid. This negative pressure is created by suction machine which is conveyed to the fat by optimized cannulae. These are used for aspirating the fat from the area of interest. They come in various sizes and lengths to be used in different anatomical areas. This boiling fat ruptures the lipocyte or fat cell killing it in the process. Such cells have no potential to redeposit fat in that area.

Liposuction is performed under local, regional or general anaesthesia. A qualified experienced Anaesthetist is with our patient throughout the entire procedure. Dr. Bhaskar Shenolikar has experience of anesthetizing hundreds of cases of Vaser surgery. He is also well versed with modern anaesthesia machines and monitors.

General anaesthesia, local or regional anaesthesia can all be used for liposuction. It is our goal to provide you safe, pain free surgery with minimal discomfort. Our team will chose a safe and effective way to give you anaesthesia. Your body functions will be monitored every single moment when you are under anaesthesia. A continuous monitoring of pulse, blood pressure, electrocardiogram and oxygen saturation of your blood will be done during surgery till you are fully awake.

Once you are prepared and draped for surgery a solution containing ringer lactate, xylocaine and adrenaline will be infused in the areas which are to have liposuction. This infusion is done by using a state of the art infusion system the Vent X. Once sufficient fluid is infused, we will wait for ten minutes and start the VASER procedure.

VASER stands for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance. It is basically an ultrasonic assisted liposuction. The ultrasonic energy is delivered by specially designed probes. This frequency of ultrasound energy is lipo-specific and usually breaks fat cells only. There is very minimal damage to any surrounding structures such as blood vessels and nerves. There is significantly reduced blood loss as compared to conventional liposuction. The procedure takes several minutes till the fat is broken down and gets emulsified. The entire area which is to undergo liposuction is Vasered. Then VentX probes specially designed to perform optimal aspiration are used to suction the fat lysed by the VASER energy. Vasering and aspiration are done through the ceramic port.

Once the suction is complete the same port is used to introduce drains which will drain water and serum from the operation site. If significant drainage is not expected the wound is closed by sutures. The area is covered and dressed by compression dressing using paper tapes. Then you will be shifted to your room for further monitoring and recovery. Once you settle down and fully recover from anaesthesia you will be allowed food intake and later discharged from the clinic. When suction in excess of 5 liters is performed then it is safer to stay in the clinic that night to ensure proper recovery and take care of problems in case they arise. The dressing may get soiled with blood stained fluid and at times may require repeated dressing changes. It looks worrisome but is normal part of the procedure. You can carry additional diapers to absorb the discharges. When the wounds are sutured generally there will be no discharge from the wounds.

What to expect after the Liposuction Surgery?

The area of treatment on the body will be covered with bandages after the surgery. The bandages provide a sterile environment for the body to heal by eliminating the risk of infections. Patients are not allowed to remove the bandage on their own. They must visit their doctor for its removal. Swelling, bruising and numbness in the treatment area are common. It takes a few weeks for the swelling to go down. The patient will start feeling better once the 3 weeks threshold is crossed. The surgeon will provide you with compression garments that must be worn constantly. Compression garments need to be worn for a minimum period of 2 weeks. The duration may be more depending on the nature of the treatment. Apart from these common steps, taking your antibiotics on time and visiting the doctor for follow-ups are also vital steps in the treatment. 

What aftercare should be taken at home?

Take plenty of rest. Do not over exert or do strenuous exercise. There is going to be some soreness and significant discomfort if the liposuction procedure involves multiple areas. Pressure garments may become tight and painful. If it is unbearable you may remove it for a short period of time. Do not be alone as far as possible and keep some one informed about your liposuction procedure. You can move around the home but may need assistance to move out or cook for a couple of days. Take your medication regularly and drink plenty of fluids like juice, coconut water etc. Avoid alcoholic drinks for few days. Keep moving your ankles and legs and take frequent short walks around your home. This will boost circulation and keep your leg veins free of clots.

FAQs on 4D VASER Liposuction

Is 4D VASER Liposuction permanent?

4D VASER Liposuction is a permanent procedure. However, you will be strongly advised to make lifestyle changes and maintain a healthy routine of diet and exercise so that the fat deposits which were extracted during liposuction do not get accumulated again.

Is 4D VASER Liposuction painful?

4D Vaser Liposuction is done under either general or local anesthesia along with intravenous sedation. This means that the patient is sleeping throughout the procedure and does not feel any pain when the procedure is going on.

Why is consultation important before the surgery?

4D high definition VASER liposuction is a very specialized procedure, and requires a very experienced surgeon – someone like Dr. Shrirang Pandit.

Right from the initial consultation, including the extent of contouring, fat removal and creation of sculpted irregularities, it is very important for the patient and the doctor to get comfortable with  each other and set realistic goals. 

What can I expect after a 4D VASER Liposuction?

After a 4D VASER liposuction, one might feel some bruising and swelling which is quite common. The results are not immediately visible as the body takes time to heal. Compression garments have to be mandatorily worn in order to maintain the newly formed body contour. Sometimes, drains might be placed at those sites in order to remove the fluid which might get accumulated. Medicines might be prescribed by the doctor in order to alleviate the pain which generally accompanies the procedure. These must be taken as prescribed by the doctor in order to have a comfortable recovery.It takes about a week for the patient to resume daily activities. However, vigorous exercise must be avoided for at least 4 weeks after the procedure.

How much does a 4D VASER Liposuction cost?

4D VASER liposuction is a procedure which is customised according to the individual needs of the patient. The cost highly depends upon the amount of fat to be extracted, the location from where you are getting the surgery performed, the infrastructure of the clinic and various other such factors. Hence, a ballpark amount is difficult to calculate.

What are the non-surgical fat reduction options?

There are different options that fall in the category of non-surgical fat reduction. Some of these are minimally invasive while some are completely non-invasive. 

At Pandit Clinic, an internationally acclaimed technology – BodyFX  is used to perform non-invasive fat reduction. 

Non-invasive Fat Reduction With BodyFX

It is a modern, long lasting, non-invasive solution to reduce the unsightly appearance of fat (cellulite) leading to improvements in your body contour. BodyFX will reshape your body to provide a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. BodyFX is a perfect solution to get rid of your mummy tummy or muffin top.
Dr Shrirang Pandit Cosmetic, Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Shrirang Pandit

MBBS, MS, Mch (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon)

Meet Dr. Shrirang Pandit

Dr. Shrirang Pandit is the founder of the Pandit Clinic. He has an experience of 30+ years in plastic surgery. He is a renowned name in the industry and pioneer of aesthetic lasers in India. Dr. Shrirang Pandit has performed numerous surgeries on children with facial clefts, managed patients with burn injuries and also has a large experience with lasers on Asian Indian skin. He has attended various laser workshops and courses as faculty and is keen on educating the next generations. He is a life member of all the top plastic surgery associations like Association of Plastic Surgeons in India, Association of Surgeons of India, Indian Association of Cosmetic Laser Surgeons, to name a few. He also acts as a key opinion leader for Ultrashape Inc., Lumenis Inc, VASER Sound Surgical Technologies, USA

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